Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Luxury of Book Stores

Browsing though book stores is something I have always taken for granted.

I can spend hours browsing, though it is always hard not to end up buying a few books. In California on weekend mornings (on the rare occasions I was not not teaching class) I would always go to the Barnes & Noble which was attached to a Starbucks. Then I'd walk with my coffee and look at the books that were on sale. Right across the street was Borders.

Recently all the Borders have shut down and I was horrified to discover that the Barnes shut down too. Yes you can order from Amazon but I really, terribly miss the experience of just walking though aisles of new books, the smell of fresh paper and the sound of rustling pages. Not to mention that if a new book comes out you can't go buy it that second!

So I am in Delhi right now and almost every market has a book store. Every time I go shopping, I slip into a book store. My favorites are Bahrisons in Khan Market and Full Circle in G.K. I also like going to Midlands in Aurobindo Market, while my mom runs errands. But basically every single market seems to have a book store. In fact, I went to watch a movie yesterday and I saw a small outlet of Spell &Bound, the new store in SDA market, INSIDE the movie theater! Isn't that awesome?

Basically I can't get enough of all the book stores in Delhi! It is just such a luxury! I am making the most of them while I am here, before I go back and forget what it feels like, once I am back in the Bay.

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